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The event program

The event has been thought to talk about mental disorders and any other kind of behavioral dysregulations by using the language of dance and music. 

Mental disorders are still considered as 'invisible' diseases, because, although they are unfortunately more common as we think, they are still not enough discussed. They are also accompanied by stigma, which causes a circle where alienation and discrimination affect both patients and their families. 

As consequence, the person that is already struggling for the difficult situation has to fight against two wars: the experience of illness, with the associated suffering and disability, and also with the surrounded stigma that can be considered as a real 'second disease'.
Luci e Ombre has been mainly created to talk about these invisible illnesses reaching directly the hearts of people by using the language of the body, music and choreographies. 
We want to say that mental illnesses exist, they can lead to huge suffering, but as many other physical disorders, if promptly recognized, can be treated and even more importantly can be somehow prevented. Moreover, different sources of art can become important motivation and inspiration strategies to feel better.
Dancers, actors and players will be able to represent struggling feelings, often associated with difficult life experiences, such as bullying, anorexia, bulimia, emotional and behavioral disorders, depression, and the audience will be invited to be part of an intense journey, where, through the language of dance, music and other artistic tools, we will share despair, sadness but also hope and strength.

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